by Ashley How Kai Xin
Taken literally, the loss of sight conjures feelings of anxiety and despair usually associated with the dark, the unknown and being lost. Yet, voluntary blindness may prove itself to be a form of social introspection and commentary that resonates deeply with the audience of Bird Box (2018). Is there deeper meaning beyond the fear and horror?
by Yan Ng Xuan Min, Gail
In a world where any noise means death, and silence is the only key to survival, the conflict between the notion of an “abled” and a “disabled” body is observed when the disability — speech and hearing impairments — helps to better navigate the apocalyptic environment.
by He Ziqi
Is empowering the disabled by completing their bodies and granting them excellent abilities justified? See how the depiction of Furiosa challenges the conventional way of destigmatising disability from the perspective of the Crip Theory.
A World Without Sense: Emotional responses to the sensory apocalypse in Perfect Sense (2011)
by Tan Enn Syn, Shona
Is there even any real meaning to life after losing almost all of one’s senses? Explore how touch, and the human connection, can develop a hopeful view on what is ultimately important.